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Generate print file (CSV)
Generate print file (CSV)

Add listings to print queue and generate CSV file for your label printer software

Updated over a week ago

About Stickers

Common Ground allows you to print stickers for all inventory listings.

There are two methods to add to the Print queue:

  • Add listings from the inventory

  • Add listings from the stickers page

In order to create stickers, a printer and its associated software is required. Using the Stickers export tool, generate and load the **.CSV** file into your preferred printer software such as Brother P-Touch, or Dymo Connect.

Note: The process of loading the .CSV file may vary depending on your printer software.

DYMO Connect Tip : Always save your exported CSV file in the same location and replace it each time it downloads with the same filename. This way the data fields will remain mapped when you re-import the new CSV.

Export CSV file

  1. Add listings to the queue.

  2. Press Print queue to view queue.

  3. Press Generate CSV to export the file

This file is now ready to be imported into your label printing software.

Print with Brother

Import and Print

  1. Create a template in your printer software

  2. Import the .CSV file created above

  3. Map data fields and arrange as needed

  4. Print

In order to print stickers, you first need to create a layout template. Follow the video tutorial above for a detailed explanation.

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